Stevie Ray Vaughan Tabs | Songsterr Tabs with Rhythm (2025)


Stevie Ray Vaughan Tabs

Popular tunings

Any tuningsStandard 6-string (E A D G B E)Standard 7-string (B E A D G B E)Standard 8-string (F# B E A D G B E)Drop D (D A D G B E)Drop C# (C# G# C# F# A# D#)Drop C (C G C F A D)Drop B (B F# B E G# C#)Drop A# (A# F A# D# G C)Drop A (A E A D F# B)Drop G# (G# D# G# C# F A#)Drop G (G D G C E A)Drop F# (F# C# F# B D# G#)Drop F (F C F A# D G)Eb/D# standard (D# G# C# F# A# D#)D standard (D G C F A D)C# standard (C# F# B E G# C#)C standard (C F A# D# G C)B standard (B E A D F# B)A# standard (A# D# G# C# F A#)A standard (A D G C E A)G# standard (G# C# F# B D# G#)G standard (G C F A# D G)F# standard (F# B E A C# F#)F standard (F A# D# G# C F)Drop D 7-string (A D A D G B E)Drop C# 7-string (G# C# G# C# F# A# D#)Drop C 7-string (G C G C F A D)Drop B 7-string (F# B F# B E G# C#)Drop A# 7-string (F A# F A# D# G C)Drop A 7-string (E A E A D F# B)D standard 7-string (D G C F A# D G)C# standard 7-string (C# F# B E A C# F#)C standard 7-string (C F A# D# G# C F)B standard 7-string (B E A D G B E)A# standard 7-string (A# D# G# C# F# A# D#)A standard 7-string (A D G C F A D)Drop E 8-string (E B E A D G B E)D standard 8-string (E A D G C F A D)C# standard 8-string (D# G# C# F# B E G# C#)C standard 8-string (D G C F A# D# G C)B standard 8-string (C# F# B E A D F# B)A# standard 8-string (C F A# D# G# C# F A#)A standard 8-string (B E A D G C E A)Bass: Standard 4-string (E A D G)Bass: Standard 5-string (B E A D G)Bass: Standard 6-string (B E A D G C)Bass: Drop D (D A D G)Bass: Drop C# (C# G# C# F#)Bass: Drop C (C G C F)Bass: Drop B (B F# B E)Bass: Drop A# (A# F A# D#)Bass: Drop A (A E A D)Bass: D# standard (D# G# C# F#)Bass: D standard (D G C F)Bass: C# standard (C# F# B E)Bass: C standard (C F A# D#)Bass: B standard (B E A D)Bass: A# standard (A# D# G# C#)Bass: A standard (A D G C)

Pride And JoyStevie Ray VaughanLennyStevie Ray VaughanLittle WingStevie Ray VaughanMary Had A Little LambStevie Ray VaughanTexas FloodStevie Ray VaughanScuttle ButtinStevie Ray VaughanVoodoo ChildStevie Ray VaughanRiviera ParadiseStevie Ray VaughanLife By The DropStevie Ray VaughanCouldn't Stand The WeatherStevie Ray VaughanTightropeStevie Ray VaughanTexas Flood (Live at the El Mocambo)Stevie Ray VaughanRude MoodStevie Ray VaughanCrossfireStevie Ray VaughanThe House Is RockinStevie Ray VaughanLife Without YouStevie Ray VaughanTestifyStevie Ray VaughanThe Sky Is CryingStevie Ray VaughanDirty PoolStevie Ray VaughanVoodoo Child (Slight Return)Stevie Ray VaughanCold ShotStevie Ray VaughanTaxmanStevie Ray VaughanSuperstitionStevie Ray VaughanHoney BeeStevie Ray VaughanEmpty ArmsStevie Ray VaughanLove Struck BabyStevie Ray VaughanLook At Little SisterStevie Ray VaughanLove Me DarlinStevie Ray VaughanTin Pan AlleyStevie Ray VaughanSupstitionStevie Ray VaughanStangs SwanStevie Ray VaughanCome OnStevie Ray VaughanSay What!Stevie Ray VaughanWall Of DenialStevie Ray VaughanSo ExcitedStevie Ray VaughanPipeline - Stevie Ray Vaughn + Dick Dale CoverStevie Ray VaughanVoodoo ChileStevie Ray VaughanTell MeStevie Ray VaughanThings That I Used To DoStevie Ray VaughanI'm CryinStevie Ray VaughanThe Thing That I Used To DoStevie Ray VaughanWhamStevie Ray VaughanLeave My Little Girl AloneStevie Ray VaughanAin't Gonna Give Up On LoveStevie Ray VaughanAll Your Love I Miss LovingStevie Ray VaughanChange ItStevie Ray VaughanTexas Flood (dormant state's Version)Stevie Ray VaughanBoot HillStevie Ray VaughanLeave My Girl AloneStevie Ray VaughanLet Me Love You BabyStevie Ray Vaughan

Stairway to Heaven Tab

Difficulty (Rhythm):

Revised on:

Stairway to Heaven Chords

Led Zeppelin

Track: Jimmy Page - Rhythm Guitars - Acoustic Guitar (steel)

Upgrade to Plus for uninterrupted sync with original audio

Stevie Ray Vaughan Tabs | Songsterr Tabs with Rhythm (2025)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.