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Summer is coming, and you know what that means: it’s time to get a bikini body! But wait – you don’t have a gym membership? Or: you just don’t know what exercises you can do?
No worries – we have you covered. Our 8-week workout plan will give you a jumpstart to increased fitness, and you wouldn’t even need to step into a gym.
For this 8-weekworkout plan, all you need is yourself, a pair of dumbbells, or resistance bands. Let’s get that summer body!
Tips and advice
Before we get into the details, here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your workouts:
Warm-up – You should always warm up before you begin the central portion of the workout: this helps loosen your joints and increase blood flow to your muscles. You don’t want to injure yourself before you reap the benefits of this 8-week fitness challenge!
100% effort – You get what you work for in this 7-day workout challenge. Remember to give your all when you are working out. You can take a few seconds to move a little slower if you really need a break – just don’t stop entirely. Pick the intensity back up once you’re ready to do so.
Move and breath right – Don’t hold your breath while exercising! This can raise your blood pressure and make you dizzy. Also, perform all exercises with proper form and technique. Once again, we’re trying to avoid injuries.
Sweat to some tunes – Since you’ll be doing the workouts at home, you have the freedom to blast your favorite upbeat tunes! The music can keep you motivated and help you through even the toughest workout sessions.
Make time for active recovery – You’ll be putting your body through quite a bit of stress if you follow through with the 8-week fitness challenge below. It’s essential to give your body time to recover: make sure to really make time for those planned active rest days!
Switch it up – If you’re just not feeling it with the scheduled workout for the day, no worries! You can have your pick of other workouts here. Just don’t skip exercising for the day – you want your body to look amazing after the 7 days fitness challenge, don’t you?
Stretch – Do take the time to stretch at the end of each workout, while your muscles are still warm and pliable. As usual, this helps prevent potential injuries!
Nutrition – Here are a few nutrition tips if you intend to follow the 8-week workout plan for weight loss purposes:
- Eat high protein meals – A protein-rich diet is highly satiating and will prevent you from overeating.
- Avoid sweet drinks and fruit juice – We often underestimate the number of calories these drinks can contribute: cutting down on them can help you lose weight.
- Eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods – Whole foods are generally healthier, and more filling. It’s unlikely that you’ll eat much of them before you begin to feel satisfied.
- Eat your food slowly – Eating at a slower pace helps you feel more full, and once again, prevents overconsumption.
Have fun – The last, but most important tip: make sure you have fun when you’re working out throughout this 7-day workout challenge! You’ll be more likely to stick to the routine if you’re enjoying yourself.
Week 1
Day 1 of your 8-week workout challenge – make sure you start strong and put in your hundred percent effort!
Warm up – 5 minutes
Perform each exercise for 1 minute each.
- Jog in place
- Jumping Jacks
- Frankensteins
- Butt Kicks
- Squats
Main workout
Perform each exercise four times in the format of 20 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest.
- Burpees
- Jump Lunges
- Jump Squats
- Push Ups
- Dips
Perform each exercise for 1 minute each.
- Standing Side Crunches
- Crunches
- Plank
- Sit-ups
- Russian Twist
Warm up – 5 minutes
Perform each exercise for 1 minute each.
- Jog in place
- Butt Kicks
- Jumping Jacks
- Squats
- High Knees
Main workout – 10 minutes
Perform each exercise in the format of 50 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest.
- Mountain Climbers
- Jumping Lunges
- Push Ups
- Jump Squats
- Dips
- Fast Feet
- Sumo Squats
- Burpees
- Plank Jacks
- Reverse Lunges
Abs – 5 minutes
Perform each exercise for 1 minute each.
- Crunches
- Reverse Crunches
- Flutter Kicks
- Left Side Plank
- Right Side Plank
Go for a 30 minutes’ walk.
- 50 Jumping Jacks
- 50 Crunches
- 45 Jumping Jacks
- 45 Squats
- 40 Jumping Jacks
- 40 Push Ups
- 35 Jumping Jacks
- 35 Crunches
- 30 Jumping Jacks
- 30 Squats
- 25 Jumping Jacks
- 25 Push Ups
- 20 Jumping Jacks
- 20 Crunches
- 15 Jumping Jacks
- 15 Squats
- 10 Jumping Jacks
- 10 Push Ups
- 5 Jumping Jacks
- 5 Crunches
- 5 Squats
- 5 Push Ups
Warm up – 2 minutes
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds before switching to the next. You should have done both exercises twice by the end of 2 minutes.
- Jog in place
- Jumping Jacks
Main workout – 20 minutes
Perform each exercise eight times in the format of 20 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest.
- Mountain Climbers
- Jumping Squats
- Push Ups
- Jumping Lunges
- Sit Ups
Cool down – 2 minutes
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds before switching to the next. You should have done both exercises twice by the end of 2 minutes.
- Right Runner’s Stretch
- Left Runner’s Stretch
Take a yoga class.
Perform each exercise in the format of 40 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest before moving on to the next. Repeat the circuit for a total of 15 rounds.
- Bicep Curls
- Squats
- Tricep Extensions
- Lunges
- Bent Over Rows
- Sumo Squats
- Lateral Raises
- Reverse Lunges
- Upright Rows
- Left Side Lunge
- Overhead Press
- Right Side Lunge
- Left Wood Choppers
- Right Wood Choppers
- Russian Twist
Week 2
Warm up – 5 minutes
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds before switching to the next. You should have done each exercise twice by the end of 5 minutes.
- Jumping Jacks
- Squats
- Fast Feet
- Quad Pulls
- Knees to Chest
Main workout – 20 minutes
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds before switching to the next. Each group of exercise, indicated by a line break, should be performed 4 times (2 minutes per group).
- Squat Jumps
- Alternating Front Lunges
- Mountain Climbers
- Dips
- Burpees
- Push Ups
- High Knees
- Alternating Left/ Right Punches
- Jump Rope
- Alternating Side Lunges
Abs – 5 minutes
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds before switching to the next. You should have done each exercise twice by the end of 5 minutes.
- Crunches
- Bicycle Crunches
- Flutter Kicks
- Left Side Plank with Hip Touches
- Right Side Plank with Hip Touches
Grab a deck of playing cards, and shuffle the deck. Flip the top card and do the assigned exercise. When completed, draw the next card. Repeat until 25 minutes have elapsed.
Challenge yourself and see if you can run out of cards!
Every suit represents an exercise, and the card value equals the number of reps you have to perform. (Example: 7 of spades = 7 V-ups)
- Spades – V-ups
- Hearts – Squats
- Clubs – Push Ups
- Diamonds – Plank Jacks
Do 20 reps of the following exercises if the card is a face card. (Example: Jack of any suit = 20 burpees)
- Jacks – Burpees
- Queens – Mountain Climbers
- Kings – Jump Lunges (each leg)
- Aces – Star Jumps
Go for a 30 minutes’ hike.
Perform each exercise for 30 reps, unless otherwise indicated, before switching to the next. Once you get to the last exercise (Plank Hold), repeat the entire circuit 2 more times (total of 3 rounds).
- Squats
- Mountain Climbers (each leg)
- Lateral Lunges (left leg)
- Lateral Lunges (right leg)
- Skaters (each side)
- Bridges
- Burpees
- Sit Ups
- Star Jumps
- Plank Hold (30 seconds)
Perform each exercise for 10 reps, before moving on to the next. Continue working through each group, as indicated by the line break, for 5 minutes for as many reps as possible (AMRAP). Push yourself, and see how many total reps you end up with at the end!
- Burpees
- Crunches
- Sumo Squats
- Star Jumps
- Push Ups
- Lunges (each leg)
- Plank Jacks
- Punches (each arm)
- Alternating leg reverse lunge with a front kick
- Skater
- Dips
- Single leg deadlift (each leg)
Grab a friend and go for a walk.
Perform each exercise in the format of 30 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest before moving on to the next. Repeat each set, as indicated by the line break, 4 times.
- Single leg deadlift (left leg)
- Single leg deadlift (right leg)
- Lunge with Bicep Curl
- Squat with Overhead Press
- Weighted Crunches
- Russian Twist
- Squat Pulse
- Jumping Lunges
- Superman Hold
- Renegade Row
Week 3
Warm up – 5 minutes
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds before switching to the next. You should have performed each exercise twice by the end of 5 minutes.
- Jog in place
- Jumping Jacks
- Squats
- Frankensteins
- Butt Kicks
Main workout – 24 minutes
Perform each exercise in the format of 20 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest before repeating for a total of 8 times. Move on to the next exercise when 8 rounds have been completed for the previous.
- High Knees
- Jumping Lunges
- Renegade Rows with Push Ups
- Squat Jumps
- Mountain Climbers
- Bicycle Crunches
Perform the following exercise for 1 minute straight: Wall Sit
Warm up – 3 minutes
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds before switching to the next. You should have performed each exercise twice by the end of 3 minutes.
- Jog in place
- Jumping Jacks
- High Knees
Main workout – 21 minutes
Perform each exercise in the format of 50 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest before repeating for a total of 3 times. Move on to the next exercise when 3 rounds have been completed for the previous.
- Bent over row
- Skaters (no band)
- Lateral walking squats (alternating 5 steps to the left, then 5 steps to the right)
- Burpees (no band)
- Squat with overhead press
- Jump forward, then jog back
- Upright rows
Perform the following exercise for 1 minute straight: Plank
Go for a 1-mile jog.
Main workout
- 50 Mountain Climbers
- 25 Left sidekicks
- 50 Mountain Climbers
- 25 Right sidekicks
- 50 Mountain Climbers
- 25 Left leg reverse lunge with a front kick
- 50 Mountain Climbers
- 25 Right leg reverse lunge with a front kick
- 50 Mountain Climbers
- 25 Left leg back kick
- 50 Mountain Climbers
- 25 Right leg back kick
- 50 Mountain Climbers
- 25 Left-arm uppercuts
- 50 Mountain Climbers
- 25 Right arm uppercuts
- 50 Mountain Climbers
- 25 Punches
Challenge: 25 Tuck Jumps
Working through each group, as indicated by the line break, for 5 minutes for as many reps as possible (AMRAP). Push yourself, and see how many total reps you end up with at the end! Finish off strong with 20 long jumps forward, and back.
- 20 Corkscrews
- 10 Push Ups
- 5 Burpees
- 20 Skaters
- 10 Single leg deadlift
- 5 Tuck jumps
- 20 High Knees
- 10 single leg deadlift (right leg)
- 5 Squat Jumps
- 20 Wide mountain climbers
- 10 Inchworms
- 5 Jumping Lunges
- 20 Flutter Kicks
- 10 Bridge Hip Raises
- 5 V-ups
Challenge: 20 Long jumps forward, and back
Go for a 30 minutes’ walk.
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds before switching to the next. Each group, as indicated by a line break, should be performed twice. When you get to the last group (Squat Pulses), repeat the entire workout 1 more time.
You should, therefore, have performed ‘Mountain Climbers’ for a total of four times by the end of the workout.
- Lunge forward with hammer curl
- Jump squat with a sideways lunge
- Bent over row with tricep kickback
- Mountain climbers
- Bicep curl with overhead press
- Squat with side leg raise
- Alternating side wood choppers
- Squat Pulses
Challenge: 20 Donkey kicks
Week 4
- 1 Squat jump
- 1 Forward Lunge
- 1 Squat jump
- 2 Forward Lunges
- Continue adding Forward lunges until you get to 10 reps
- 1 Push Up
- 1 Mountain climber
- 1 Push Up
- 2 Mountain climbers
- Continue adding Mountain climbers until you get to 10 reps
- 1 Burpee
- 1 Side-to-side hop
- 1 Burpee
- 2 Side-to-side hops
- Continue adding Side-to-side hops until you get to 10 reps
- 1 V-up
- 1 Bicycle Crunch
- 1 V-up
- 2 Bicycle Crunches
- Continue adding Bicycle Crunches until you get to 10 reps
Challenge: 10 Star jumps
- 1 Jumping lunge
- 10 Reverse Lunges
- 1 Jumping lunge
- 9 Reverse Lunges
- Continue subtracting Reverse lunges until you get to 1 rep
- 1 Frog Jump
- 10 Tricep Dips
- 1 Frog Jump
- 9 Tricep Dips
- Continue subtracting Tricep Dips until you get to 1 rep
- 1 Forward long jump
- 10 Burpees
- 1 Forward long jump
- 9 Burpees
- Continue subtracting Burpees until you get to 1 rep
- 1 Plank hold (20 seconds)
- 10 Left plank hip dips
- 1 Plank hold (20 seconds)
- 9 Right plank hip dips
- Continue subtracting plank hip dips until you get to 1 rep
Challenge: 20 Sit-ups
Take a yoga class.
Warm up – 4 minutes
Perform each exercise for 1 minute.
- Jog in place
- Butt kicks
- Jumping jacks
- Squats
Main workout – 20 minutes
Perform each exercise in the format of 20 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest before repeating for a total of 8 times.
- Burpees
- Plank Jacks
- Reverse lunge with front kick
- Mountain climbers
- Jump rope
Abs – 5 minutes
Perform each exercise for 1 minute.
- Left woodchopper
- Right woodchopper
- Standing left side crunch
- Standing ride side crunch
- Bicycle crunches
Challenge: 1 minute
Perform the following exercise for 1 minute straight: Wall Sit
Warm up – 5 minutes
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds each, then repeat. You should, therefore, have completed each exercise twice by the end of 5 minutes.
- Jog in place
- Frankensteins
- Quad pulls
- High Knees
- Forward lunge with torso twist
Main workout – 15 minutes
Perform each exercise in the format of 50 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest before repeating for a total of 3 times. Move on to the next exercise when 3 rounds have been completed for the previous.
- Flutter kicks
- Plank leg raises
- Supermans
- Vertical leg crunches
- Floor wipers
Challenge: 10 Tuck Jumps
Go for a 30 minutes’ hike.
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds before switching to the next. Each group, as indicated by a line break, should be performed thrice. When you get to the last group (Weighted crunches), repeat the entire workout 1 more time.
You should, therefore, have performed ‘Hip Bridges’ for a total of six times by the end of the workout.
- Hammer curl
- Single leg deadlift (left)
- Bent over tricep kickbacks
- Single leg deadlift (right)
- Dumbbell shrugs
- Jump squats
- Lateral raises
- Jumping Lunges
- Weighted crunches
- Hip bridges
Challenge:1 minute
Perform the following exercise for 1 minute straight: Wall sit with overhead press
Week 5
Good job: you’re now more than halfway through with the 8-week workout plan! Keep going!
Half Cindy – 10 Minutes AMRAP
- 5 Pull-ups (substitute with Renegade rows if you don’t have access to a pull-up bar)
- 10 Push-ups
- 15 Air squats
Half Annie – 10 Minutes
- 25 Jump ropes
- 25 Sit-ups
- 20 Jump ropes
- 20 Situps
- Keep subtracting by 5 till you reach 5 Jump ropes
Challenge: 10 Long jumps
Warm up – 5 minutes
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds each, then repeat. You should, therefore, have completed each exercise twice by the end of 5 minutes.
- Jog in place
- Jumping jacks
- Squats
- High Knees
- Side Lunges
Main workout – 18 minutes
Perform each exercise for 1 minute, then move on to the next. Rest for 1 minute when you’ve completed ‘Floor wipers.’ Repeat the entire routine 3 times.
- Burpees
- Goblet squats
- Overhead press
- Sit-ups
- Jump rope
Challenge: 2 minute
Perform the following exercise for 2 minutes straight: Plank hold
Go cycling.
Warm up – 5 minutes
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds before switching to the next. You should have performed each exercise twice by the end of 5 minutes.
- Jog in place
- Jumping Jacks
- Squats
- Frankensteins
- Butt Kicks
Main workout – 24 minutes
Perform each exercise in the format of 20 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest before repeating for a total of 8 times.
- Pistol squat (single-leg squat)
- Plank with leg lift
- Tuck jumps
- Walking lunges
- Speed skaters
- Plank Jacks
Challenge: 1 minute
Perform the following exercise for 1 minute straight: Squat hold
Perform 10 reps of each exercise for each group, then 9, then 8, then 7, and so on till you reach 1.
- Broad jump burpee
- Push-ups
- Jump squats
- Dips
- Superman
- Alternating Leg V-up
Perform the following exercise for 1 minute straight: Wall sit
Go for a 30 minutes’ walk.
Perform 25 reps of each movement, then 15, then 9.
- Right leg single-leg deadlifts
- Burpees
- Right leg single-leg deadlifts
- Jumping jacks
- Thrusters
- Frog jumps
- Push-ups
- Mountain climbers
- Sit-ups
- Russian twists
Perform the following exercise for 1 minute straight: Wall sit
Week 6
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, and repeat the entire routine for 3 times.
- Lunge with bicep curl
- Squat with overhead press
- Upright rows
- Single leg deadlift (left)
- Single leg deadlift (right)
- Squat pulse
- Jumping Lunges
- Renegade row
- Weighted crunches
- Rest
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, and repeat the entire routine for 3 times.
- Burpees
- Goblet squats
- Plank Jacks
- Walking lunges
- Push-ups
- Skaters
- Dips
- High Knees
- Sit-ups
- Rest
Go for a 30 minutes’ walk.
Perform each exercise in the format of 20 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest before repeating for a total of 8 times.
- Squat plank with shoulder tap
- Jumping Lunges
- Crunches
- Mountain climbers
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, and repeat the entire routine for 3 times.
- Jumping jacks
- Crunches
- Plank Jacks
- Squats
- Jumping jacks
- Push-ups
- Plank Jacks
- Crunches
- Jumping jacks
- Rest
Dance for 5 minutes. Do this 4-6 times.
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, and repeat the entire routine for 3 times.
- Wall sit with overhead press
- Tricep kickbacks
- Lunge with bicep curls
- Alternating side wood choppers
- Squats
- Weighted hip bridges
- Jumping Lunges
- Renegade row
- High Knees
- Rest
Week 7
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, and repeat the entire routine for 3 times.
- Goblet squat
- Chest press
- Sumo squat
- Tricep extensions
- Lunge with bicep curl
- Bent over flys
- Reverse lunge with a front kick
- Russian twist
- Weighted crunches
- Rest
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, and repeat the entire routine for 3 times.
- High Knees
- Squats
- Froggers
- Side lunges (left)
- Mountain climbers
- Side lunges (right)
- Tuck jumps
- Bicycles
- Alternate heel touches
- Rest
Go for a 30 minutes’ hike.
Perform each exercise in the format of 20 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest before repeating for a total of 8 times.
- Froggers
- Hip Dips
- Push-ups
- Sumo squat jumps
- Flutter kicks
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, and repeat the entire routine for 3 times.
- Touchdowns
- Shoulder Taps
- Skaters
- Squat jumps
- Plank up downs
- Mountain climbers
- V-ups
- Scissor runs
- Reverse crunches
- Rest
Go for a 30 minutes’ walk.
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, and repeat the entire routine for 3 times.
- Curtsy squats
- Tricep kickbacks
- Squat, curl, and press
- Squatting preacher curls
- Side Bends
- Lunge twist
- Rotational shoulder press
- Renegade Rows
- Bridge with chest press
- Rest
Week 8
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, and repeat the entire routine for 3 times.
- Lunge with bicep curl
- Squat with overhead press
- Upright rows
- Single leg deadlift (left)
- Single leg deadlift (right)
- Squat pulse
- Jumping Lunges
- Renegade row
- Weighted crunches
- Rest
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, and repeat the entire routine for 3 times.
- Speed skaters
- 5 plank jack, and 1 push up
- High Knees
- 5 squats, and 1 jump squat
- Froggers
- 10 lunges, and 2 jumping lunges
- Mountain climbers
- 5 crunches, and 1 straight leg raise
- Jumping jacks
- Rest
Go for a 30 minutes’ walk; pick up the pace in the last 5 minutes.
Perform each exercise in the format of 20 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest before repeating for a total of 8 times.
- Jumping Lunges
- Jump squats
- Tricep Dips
- Mountain climbers
- Windshield wipers
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, and repeat the entire routine for 3 times.
- Fast Feet
- 5 left side lunges, and 1 tuck jump
- Jumping jacks
- 5 left lunges, and 1 tuck jump
- Side to side hops
- 5 squats, and 1 burpee
- Long jumps forward and back
- Left side plank with hip dips
- Right side plank with hip dips
- Rest
Go for a 30 minutes’ walk; pick up the pace every 5 minutes.
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, and repeat the entire routine for 3 times.
- Single leg deadlift (left)
- Alternating front raises
- Single leg deadlift (right)
- Lateral raises
- Squat, bicep curl, and press
- Step Ups
- Upright rows
- Russian twists
- Rest
Hopefully, you’re now motivated to get started on this comprehensive 8-week workout plan.
Be sure to share your thoughts, and results with us in the comments below after completing this 8-week fitness plan – we’d love to be part of your fitness journey!
Also, if you found this useful, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for more informational content! We also provide free access to downloadable guides, and workout plans in the e-mails we send – be sure not to miss out on all the good stuff!
Hi, I’m Emma Lynn
I’m a proud mother of two wonderful children and a wife to a loving, affectionate husband. I enjoy exercise – yoga (yes, I teach yoga as well), running, and going to different fitness classes from time to time.
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